Kilgetty AFC Fantastic Football Festival

Kilgetty AFC organised a fantastic football festival this bank holiday Monday at Kilgetty Sports Club.
After hours of preparation by organiser Lukas Gamble and a team of dedicated volunteers, the 5 pitches and festival facilities were ready.
Spectators and participants soaked up the busy summery atmosphere on the hottest day of the year so far. Young people from the 43 teams registered enjoyed playing 111 matches, with around 700 people attending.
The morning session saw Under 7s, Under 8s, Under 10s and Under 11s, games, followed by the afternoon’s Under 12s and Under 14s Girls games.
Volunteers worked endlessly to keep things running smoothly, organising parking, registration, relaying scores, serving refreshments and cooking the popular BBQ food.
Watching some great football the games were officiated by local volunteer referees who worked hard all day. Refereeing is often a thankless role, but some coaches complemented the officials on their efforts.
Fun and fairness were key at the festival as organiser Lukas said: “We want to provide a fun, safe environment for kids to play football without pressure from parents and coaches. As a club fairness is important to us on and off the pitch. We are supporting the use of Fairtrade footballs to ensure football stitchers get a fair deal too.”
Fairtrade footballs provided by the Fair Trade In Football Campaign were used during the event, and a Fairtrade football shy. The Giant Fairtrade football was very popular with everyone! Campaign founder Sharron Hardwick took photographs which are now posted on the Kilgetty Football Festival Facebook page: @kilgettyfootballfestival
Seeing the photos Kelly Thomas commented “Looks like you all had a great day. Big thank you to all the volunteers who have worked so hard for today's event. St Florence Girls have really enjoyed. Thank you, see you next year!”
Medals were presented to all participating players.
Lukas Gamble did an amazing job organising the festival and his thanks are expressed to all involved:
“Thanks to everyone for making it a brilliant day. Massive thanks to all the referees & volunteers, without you it just wouldn’t happen - you are all amazing - Thank you.” Said Lukas.
For information about Kilgetty AFC contact Lukas Gamble, Chairman, Kilgetty AFC: 07870 163 378 - info@kilgettyafc.co.uk
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