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Fair Trade World Cup Launched FEBRUARY 2014
In a bid to promote Fair Trade in football, schools and clubs are invited to join the Fair Trade World Cup launched at Saundersfoot Primary school last week.
The Fair Trade World Cup activities were created by Fair Trade In Football Campaign founder, Sharron Hardwick; following a series of talks with Fair Trade Wales’ Helen Bradley and Tristan Humphreys.
“I’m always looking for new ways to engage groups in supporting Fair Trade in football. This year’s World Cup offers massive opportunities to do this, especially with the links between Fairtrade and World Cup qualifying countries.” shared Sharron.
Studying the Fairtrade Foundation’s information about Fairtrade producer countries, it was evident that 12 of the 32 World Cup Qualifiers are listed as Fairtrade Producer Countries on the Fairtrade International Map; offering opportunities to link the qualifying countries with football, and Fairtrade.
One Fair Trade World Cup activity invites groups to organise Fairtrade Football Tournaments. It is suggested that draws take place where teams can select one of the 12 Fairtrade producer countries who qualified for this years’ World Cup. The one rule is that only Fairtrade footballs can be used during matches.
In Pembrokeshire and Carmarthenshire 12 schools have already registered with the Fair Trade in Football Campaign to take part in the Fair Trade World Cup Final, Fairtrade Football Tournament, hosted by Tavernspite School this May.
Saunderfoot Year 6 pupils, with teacher Nina Booth, were the first of the 12 schools to draw their Fairtrade producer country during a workshop. They heard all about the Fair Trade World Cup activities, looked into football production, and the difference Fairtrade makes to football stitchers.
“The children were SO excited about the Fair Trade World Cup, especially when teacher, Mathew Jones, drew their Fairtrade Producer country…BRAZIL(!).What was most impressive was the interest, questions and genuine compassion shown by the children regarding the unfairness many football stitchers face. Their support of Fairtrade and keenness to take action was very moving.” said Sharron.
The 11 remaining schools will each draw a Fairtrade Producer country to represent in the Fairtrade football tournament, but it doesn’t end there.
Schools and clubs are also invited to take part in the Fair Trade Producer Profile Competition.
Entrants will study their Fairtrade producer country; considering what Fairtrade items are produced, and how Fairtrade has impacted producers and their communities. This can take the form of any media, following any subject.
Finally, schools and clubs are invited to enter the Best Fairtrade Football Activity Award, to think of creative ways of playing with, promoting and raising funds to buy Fairtrade footballs.
“The Fair Trade World Cup is open to all. What ever the age, ability or size of your group we can tailor activities to fit your requirements. Certificates, information and resources are available, with some great prizes including Fairtrade Footballs signed by Premiership players, a Folly Farm Mini Beasts Workshop and much more…why not sign up today?!” invites Sharron.
For details of how you can get involved.
Recources For Fair Trade World Cup Activities.

Fair Trade In Football Campaign
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