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Kicks World Cup

Fairtrade Football Final


Supported by the Fair Trade In Football Campaign, Stoke city and Port Vale Community Trusts, Engage, Prince's Charities, The Mayor Of Stoke - On - Trent

and Staffordshire Police

Fairtrade Producer Country ARGENTINA Win

Kicks World Cup

Playing Fairtrade Football!


See Photographs Below And on The Stoke City Communiity Trust Facebook Group

Congratulations to all who took part

in the Kicks World Cup!

 All matches were played with

Fairtrade Footballs

Here are the results...

More Photograps
Coming Soon!

Pre Match Team Shots With

Fairtrade Footballs Donated By 

The Fair Trade In Football Campaign

Kicks 5 A Side World Cup Knock Outs, Quatrer and Semi Finals and the Final.
Playing Fairtrade Football Photographs.

Post Match Photographs, Presentations With Lord Mayor, Chief Of Police, Staffs FA, SCFC, PVFC, Prince's Charities, Engage and Fair Trade In Football Campaign 

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