March 18th 2024
The mission of Jesus is not over. Yes, He fulfilled the Law and the prophesies; He defeated the devil and evil on the cross, but now it’s moved into a new phase, where we, the weak, broken, base things are here to declare God’s works.
Jesus hasn’t stopped! He said first to tell the lost sheep, the Jews, but after the resurrection, the Kingdom of God opened up to everyone.
Jesus said the Kingdom Of God “is in you!” Now the non-Jews are grafted into Jesus’s vine, He said proclaim to all nations. We have many nations represented here today!
Believers were at first covered with the Holy Spirit. We are now filled with God’s Holy Spirit.
This week I had a call, a lady I knows niece had sepsis, her heart stopped 3 times, at 21 years old! My friend asked if she could travel in the ambulance, they refused until she said she wanted to pray over her niece...the Dr said he was a believer, he let her in. She prayed and kept praying. She heard a word to pray and to blow on her...she did, but people thought she was mad, yet she had enough faith to act.
She would not give up! The young woman recovered, the doctors couldn’t work it out, it was a miracle! Now she’s fully recovered! Her faith was just enough to not give up!
God is still in charge. God has the last word! In hard times call out God’s name, wait and follow His way, even if it seems weird, not the world’s way!
At Pentecost the Spirit of God blew, filling the building and the people who met together in agreement. We need the Holy Spirit today to empower us with the gifts of God.
Sometimes the Spirit is quiet, other times it’s powerful. We have faith, then we are filled.
Have you asked Him in? Receive through faith, overcome every thought and anxiety. People may fall to the floor, get hot hands; God wraps His wings around us, we feel drawn close, held in with peace and joy. Some may speak in tongues.
Faith wins! We have an assurance of love and eternity in heaven. Expect the impossible in faith, say: “Yes He will!” Cross over into a life of faith, all things are possible for those who believe in Jesus. You can smash the power of darkness in Jesus’s name. The darkness can’t stand you, they recognise you, you bring Jesus’s light!
We have victory in Jesus’s name over all things. Have faith in God. Speak to the mountain and believe, it will move! Jesus will, He will, we will! Speak out the miracle in your mouth!
What is your mountain? Be specific, pray for the solution you’d like God to provide. Expect the impossible! Have faith, you don’t need to be an expert!
Speak against evil, darkness and sickness in Jesus’s name, keep your faith in Jesus today!
March 4th 2024
With God’s Word, you know something, read it lots, but sometimes it fully hits home. "God called me" really hit me this week!
He called the fisherman, they stopped and followed, leaving their livelihoods. Over 13 times Jesus says "Follow me".
He called you to follow Him as you are, unique. He looks at us and sees us; because of Jesus we look good enough and He knows our hearts and potential.
Jesus didn't say follow me if you're good enough, we are not! He makes us good enough, right with God.
We become a Christian and then we change. When we try and work to be someone else it's impersonation, be yourself! God called YOU! Let the Holy Spirit change you. Jesus said "My sheep know my voice and follow".
People on social media want followers, it measures their worth in life. I've got 6 followers on eBay, I'm not sure why! In the 80s Die Hard films came out, this work colleague started talking like Bruce Willis, it was weird! 6 months later he went back to normal.
God calls us as we are. We were ordinary, following the fashions and the world; now we are Spiritual living beings; we can feel, hear and walk next to, close to, and with God.
One man I knew got teased for going to prayer meeting, they mocked saying: "what do you find to discuss every week." His replied "oh just eternal life!" silenced them.
What do we gain by following? Blessings, rewards, the fruits of God's Spirit, the desires of our hearts.
We are called to works for God's glory. We have a relationship with God, not a religion. This shows we share God's love. Religion is dead.
For those who believe and hear Jesus calling, there's a new life. Jesus has the words of eternal life. The old has gone, the new has come. We are temple's of God's Spirit.
God's promises stand.
Jesus's name is the only way to eternity with God. If you're following Jesus don't stray off the path.
The law was fulfilled by Jesus, all you have to do is follow Him, then there's no condemnation.
Have faith, believe. You were called, you followed, you are saved. You may lose friends but you gain eternity.
It's simple, two words "Follow me!" Will you say yes and follow Jesus today?
February 25th​
Have you ever wondered why Jesus used spit in healing?
Recorded in the Talmud, the Jews believed spit of 1st born son was highly valued. Jesus’s was proving he was the first born Son of God the Father.
Modern day Jews make a spit noise 3 times as the enter a door, to drive away evil.
Jesus asked who do you think I am? Who do you think He is? A personal response is needed. Is He a good man, a prophet, the Son of God, your saviour?
Why do we limit God? If it’s within His will he’ll do it. He created man from dust!
A Victorian man wrote a theory, evolution. But it’s narrow minded. They say life came from nothing, by no-one, a big bang, but who’s behind it?
We think too small, ask for bigger things! We pray for small things like parking spaces and weather, but we need to pray bigger! Pray for healing and wholeness for the world, so we can go out in Christ’s authority, banishing darkness, bringing light.
Jesus healed many, it’s not just healing it’s wholeness, having a sound mind. Jesus is The power. His Spirit is without limit. If the doctors fail and the drugs don’t work, go to the Lord. Go to God first even!
God is with us, is anything too hard for Him. Have faith, believe.
I have seen twisted bones made straight, felt God’s power like a current surge, our Lord hasn’t stopped, He brings baptism of fire to heal and cleanse. Call to God, He will answer!
Who is Jesus to you? It’s a life or death answer. Lord, master, good Shepherd; do you know His majesty and power! He’s the healer and saviour.
Don’t let your fire go out, stand firm, keep the faith!
I’ve seen evil destroyed, God drives out that spirit of heaviness and gives a garment of praise.
God will pour out His Spirit on ALL flesh, in Jesus’s name we can do all things.
Go out, call on The Lord.
You are in God’s shadow, His wings cover you, faith raises up as we are clothed in Christ. Look up, keep our eyes fixed on heaven, don’t look at the earth and become down cast.
Don’t doubt, kick it out! John the baptist knew he was facing death, he wanted to know if Jesus was the one. Yet he knew Him and baptised Him. Jesus said tell John the blind see, lame walked and the poor are given hope!
Who do you say Jesus is? A good friend, He’s more than that, He’s Lord and Master, get to know and follow Him today!
February 18th
The Folly Of Idolatry
In the beginning God created the heavens and earth, and us as spiritual beings, but he never made any other "gods".
In a neighbour's house is a 6 foot statue of Mary, it's actually a bit creepy! Some would worship this as a god, but it was made from clay; what else was made with that same batch of clay? Plates, cups, a toilet!
God said we should have no other god's before Him.
Behind every idol is a demon spirit.
One man chopped down a tree, he used it for fire wood and tools, then he chose a block, carved an idol and worshiped it, it's a block of wood!
We are surrounded by various statues that other people use to worship, it enslaves people. They believe its lucky...yet you invite a curse! You allow these objects to have power over you. If you believe you have an idol of any form, get rid of it, destroy it, chuck it out, it's not bringing anything good into your house.
There's only 3 forms of power: evil, the power of God, then 240v of electricity in your plug sockets! God has the power and the glory.
Walk the straight path. If something makes you divert, get back on track!
My brother had a motor bike accident when I was 10 years old. Years later I got a motor bike. I didn't want to crash so I "prayed" to God, but it was more like a dictation, demanding safety. Then I took out a St Christopher necklace and held that and prayed....but one night a drunk driver hit me, I went up 18 feet in the air, I was injured.
The number 18 represents a person or people in bondage, in the Bible. That St Christopher prayer did nothing, years later I sold it for scrap!
There's not enough evidence to say St Christopher was a real person, some pictures even depict him as a 12 foot tall statue, with dog heads!
Seek truth, healing and righteousness. Let the old life go, walk with faith in God. Jesus is The Way, invite Him in! Let the world go.
Trusting in self and objects is idolatry and pride. Call out to God, live in God's Spirit. In good days thank God, in bad days thank God and call on His name.
Don't be fooled. There are thousands of cults claiming to be the way. Jesus is The Way! He can set you free, make you God's children.
When things come at you, temptations and worries, turn to God. Put on your armour and fight! Battle On your knees, in the spiritual rhelm. Grow in Him, speak to Him. You are holy and loved, unto the Lord.
Pray, ask, seek, claim your authority in Jesus's name, bless your house, welcome God in to stay.
Forgive your enemies, it's not easy. I've been punched and spat on, all manner of names called at me, I forgive. If we don't forgive it ties God's Hands. As soon as they strike, forgive and move on.
You want to see God moving?
Ask in faith, be certain when you ask. Go for it!
May God break everything that holds us and move in us, driving out darkness in Jesus's name today.
5th February
When we follow Jesus, who we were is not who we are now. Pre knowing Jesus, in our old life, we were in the world, led by feelings and flesh. Now, we are changed through Jesus. Without these changes we have no inheritance or entry into God's kingdom.
God sees, hears and knows ALL! You can't hide from Him.
Ezekiel 10 shows how Israel turned away from God to evil, so God turned away from them. They thought God was shut behind the temple curtain and couldn't see them as they worshiped false gods and practiced the occult. God sees all!
If you have done anything to do with the occult, Ouija boards, tarot cards and so on, stop, apologise and ask God to forgive and cleanse you and your house as you’ve opened dark doors.
What is done in darkness will be seen in the light. If you choose darkness you lose God. Those who reject Jesus go without God. Those who accept Jesus are temple's of God's Spirit, His children. This means we've received a reserved inheritance, a solid foundation built on Jesus our cornerstone.
If you remove the cornerstone the building falls, same with our faith.
The self you were is unrecognisable now as we are renewed by the Spirit of God.
We have all done wrong, but God forgives when we say sorry and turn away from our wrongs.
It says over 25 times, "don't look back" in the bible... keep looking forward to the goal of our faith. We are free from our dark past. Looking back doesn't help you move forward.
There may come a time when God asks you to let go of something. This can be scary, we might worry about what's ahead. Trust God, step out in faith!
Has God failed you yet? Moving on is easy if we trust God has something better. God has called you out, follow his lead. You are already a new creation. What can be more fulfilling than moving forward with God?
We walk by Faith not sight. Ask God to fill you with His fire of change, to share your faith with your family and beyond.
As we move in spiritual realms with God so we see God's power. God will reveal Himself to the person who believes. You carry the Holy Spirit. Let's put this into action and move forward with Jesus today.
January 2024
In Egypt they worshiped gods and goddess of frogs, insects, lifestock, weather, locusts, water and sun. As Moses acted to free Gods people, God sent floods and plagues on or of the things the people saw as gods, and darkness! God turned "little gods" into curses, as Pharo brought this on his people.
God is beaking down these false idols, destroying the god's of Egypt and all they worshiped.
After escaping Moses spoke to the people saying God's going to fight for you, before God had even spoken: "Do not be afraid, stand still and see....the Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace!"
When you, like the Israelites, are stuck between a rock and a hard place, no way forward or back, cry out to God. But don't, like them, doubt and blame because of a delay, like they blamed Moses.
Before anything happens, proclaim the positive.
Things go wrong. Pray!
We often stress ourselves out, but if you're in Christ, the battle belongs to the Lord. Write down your worries and hand them over to the Lord.
God does not and will not give you a spirit of fear. This is an evil spirt, it comes to steal, kill and destroy.
Sit down and think what am I actually afraid of? Look into these fears and put them into context.
Worry, anxiety, fear, depression don't exist in heaven.
By our words we can forbid and permit. Our words in Jesus's name can break EVERYTHING!
You have to have faith and belief. If you speak negative or positive then that's what will come.
It's easy to curse someone by speaking negatively and bring them to life with positive words. Speak healing, put faith in action. Step out in faith. God said "I will be with you." He WILL provide!
Let problems and bad memories go, replace them with the Peace of God, paid for by Jesus.
Grasp peace. Hold peace. Troubles come, hang on to Peace. Surrounded your self with peace bringing people. Jesus has the victory. Forget what's behind, press forward for the prize ahead. Is Jesus bigger than your problems? Yes! So don't look back, look forward to God's good news today!