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Join Stokieshazer's Message Of Hope For the Week group on Facebook

When sailors are swept up in a storm, seeing the light from the light house means they have hope. They know how to avoid the rocks, the light keeps them from harm.


If your life feels like you are in a storm, all you see is trouble and darkness from every angle....there is hope for you too.  If you need guidance, reassurance, security, there is a Light.

There is one hope when the whole world is in darkness. Jesus. In Jesus we always have hope, he is The Light Of The World.


God's light shines in darkness. The darker the world becomes, the brighter is God's light.


Without Jesus you're not really living life to the full, it's like you are fumbling around in the dark. The Lord turns darkness into light.  Without the light, like the sailors in the storm, we get lost and loose hope.


When we are hurt, sick, have done something wrong....God heals, restores, forgives; offering more hope than the world can ever give.


Once we have Faith in Jesus there is no fear of death, for we know where we are going.

Possessions, money, fame and status....we can't take them with us.


We are fighting over an earth that is temporary. But the one thing that remains is God. Eternity is with Him for those who want it.


So don't battle the storms alone, get swept away by the waves of doubt, fear and destruction. Look for the Light and find hope in Jesus today.


Based on the Word by Garry Emlyn, written by Sharron Hardwick.


New Life Christian Fellowship invite all to join them on Saturday 17th October 7.30pm and Sunday 18th October 10.45am to their Outpouring Of Grace Weekend at Kilgetty Community Centre. 

Inspirational speaker Pastor Dodzi with worship group, from the midlands will lead two meetings to bless, encourage and equip the community. 

Please call if you want someone to talk to or pray for you call 07788270871 


On The Road Sheep


Have you ever driven

through fields that look

green and lush?


You can see the sheep

grazing on the fresh

grass, it looks idyllic.


But then wooowh!!

You have to break suddenly as there’s a sheep wandering in the road! 


All that tasty fresh grass, safe fields, why on earth would they wander off onto the dangerous road!? 


That’s what happened with the lost sheep Jesus talks about. He tells a parable of a shepherd with a hundred sheep.  One escapes and wanders off. Rather than giving it up for lost, the shepherd goes out to find it, celebrating when he does.


With the shepherd the sheep are safe from attacks by wolves and bears.  They are fed and cared for. So why would they wander off?


We could ask ourselves the same question.


God invites us to follow Him; gives us comfort, security, love and a way to live. We are free to do as we choose, of course, but if we choose to accept God’s invite and listen to God’s voice we know we will have the comfort and protection of the Good Shepherd. We might face hard times, but with the shepherd by our side we can get through them.  


But we still wander.  


Something catches our eye, we slink off in unwise directions, someone or something upsets us knocking us off track, we make dubious decisions or just go downright wrong. As we wander off we find ourselves lost.


We might be lost but we are never abandoned. The Good Shepherd is always looking for us, His sheep.  He knows us by name. We are part of the flock. 


The Good Shepherd is calling us home, leading us forward, showing the best way.


If we wander off we are never written off or cast out, we are called back.


Each one of us is different, we all have our own unique part to play; but that’s all part of the big plan.  


The Ultimate Shepherd, Jesus, laid his life down for us sheep. He fought the enemy, defeated the darkness and paid the price so we can belong to the fold, God’s Family. We are priceless to Him.


If you feel lost, lonely or off track. Give the Good Shepherd a shout. 


Come off the road today.


Written by Sharron Hardwick.  From this week's New Life Fellowship Sunday School.


New Life Christian Fellowship: Kilgetty Community Centre, 10.45am Sundays. Please call 07788270871 if you want someone to talk to or pray for you.

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