We've all heard of Samson. He was strong! He made mistakes. We all make mistakes, thankfully God forgives.
Sometimes we think things are going well, but we wander off. People make plans, but God directs our steps. Our hearts need to be just; think and pray before making decisions.
Samson was a Nazorite, who are described as holy unto God. He had lots of rules to live by, including not cutting his hair. He was deceived, his hair was cut, he lost his strength.
Samson was filled by God's Spirit but led by the flesh, he was angry! If we follow what our flesh wants we will suffer, we gain addictions and welcome in darkness. Don't be fooled, test every spirit to see if it's from God. Distinguish between God and the world.
We have to listen to God, love and trust Him, and then your paths will be straight.
If we follow Jesus we know we must change, be clean. We are vessels for God's Spirit.
Some people focus on possessions and money, to the point they worship them. Samson's main fault was his lust for women, in the end, he lost his sight in a dramatic way!
Things in the world are temporary, God's love lasts forever. Rebellion and stubbornness can stop us, we might enjoy temporary pleasures but we need to think of eternity.
Jesus can give us salvation, forgiveness, a hope of eternal life with access to God forever!
Whatever you struggle with, turn to Jesus and let Him set you free today.
Message by Garry Emlyn
Contact: 07765935475 visit: newlifechurchpembs.com find us on Facebook
When your enemies surround you like a wall, call on the name of the Lord. God WILL help you!
God's awesome power was parted the sea, letting His people escape danger. Why are we surprised when God answers prayer? This's what God does!
Mankind can't do what God's Hand does. When we realise what God can do, ask Him to do more and use us to do good.
If I promise my wife I'll do something, I do it, it may take time but I do it!
God always fulfils His promises. God shares out His power with us. Pray, believe, act out in God's power.
We all have wrongs staining us, but God washes us clean, equips us with faith to do His will. Believe, you'll be filled with God's Spirit, receiving power.
Dunamis, a Greek word for power, is mentioned over 100 times in the Bible. An unshakeable, explosive power, a force from God flowing through us. Realise this power, step out, do that one thing, work in union with Christ's body, The Church.
Fear is from a dark spirit, not Jesus. Jesus gives courage and hope. Without Jesus we're vulnerable.
The Kingdom of Light is powerful; there's also kingdom of darkness. We have authority to bind or lose the darkness in Jesus' name.
Don't follow the world, follow Jesus. Move forward or you're stagnant.
No-one is born saved, we can become new creations, joining Jesus, then your prayers carry power.
People govern nations, God governs everything!
The problems we face? Tell them to God, in Jesus' name, hand them over to the All Powerful one, move forward in hope today.
Message by Garry Emlyn
Contact: 07765935475 visit: newlifechurchpembs.com find us on Facebook
I have a friend, I met at work, within minutes of meeting him he spoke against God and the Church. He said his wife was a Christian because she was a nurse and they do good. I said, what about nurses who are Muslim? He was stumped! Good works don't save us, just Jesus! Abraham dug wells, often his enemies filled them with rocks.
We have an enemy who wants to kill, steal and destroy, the devil. Our sink was blocked, it had to be dismantled and cleared, so water could flow.
How is your spiritual life, has something come in to destroy, block the faith flow in your life? Don't consider past wrongs, let go, move forward. God forgives, makes a road in the wilderness. God wants your faith river flowing, the devil wants it blocked with doubt or disbelief, a spring, not a stagnant pool.
Do you think you're not good enough? None of of us are! Jesus is good enough, whoever puts trust in Him are saved, their wrongs paid for. Have faith, belief and trust; not law, religion or self-righteousness. Jesus spoke of living water, the Holy Spirit. Praise God, read His Word, this releases His power! We have a voice we can speak over darkness and opposition, in Jesus' name.
In your life work out what stops God moving in you, get rid of it! Some things represent darkness, get rid of them! Pray Jesus' name over your life, family and homes, get rid of darkness. Take Jesus' living water, let Him flow through you with power and cleansing today.