Have you ever wondered “What’s life all about?”
Are you struggling with your past, do you have no peace in the present; it all feels too much?
There is someone who can help…the God who made and loves you.
You are not just a random being, made by your parents; you are part of God’s plan and have a purpose in life.
There are two forces involved in our lives: the evil one, Satan, is trying to destroy and take your peace; but the good and loving one, Jesus, wants you to have a good and full life.
God loves you so much that He made a way for you to be part of His family.
God is pure, and in order for us to be with Him we need to be pure too.
But none of us are perfect. God wiped out our imperfections as Jesus faced death on the cross. Jesus’ blood makes us clean. All we need to do is accept God’s invite and say sorry for anything we’ve done that doesn’t please Him.
This is not the end, but the beginning of a journey.
As followers of Jesus, we can overcome life’s difficulties and offer hope to others.
The Bible is full of promises. If we think about these promises, rather than focusing on our problems, we can overcome anything.
The trouble is we live in a microwave generation – we want everything now!
Sometimes we have to wait. God knows when things are best, and so long as we do as He asks, God promises to work ALL things out for the good of those who love Him.
So next time you face struggles, are tempted to worry or do the wrong thing remember this:
God promises to supply every need; give victory over death; work all things out for good; that if we believe in Jesus we will be saved; we can have eternal life; His Grace is all we need; we will not be overcome by temptation because God will show a way out; God heals and that we can receive Jesus’ supernatural peace.
Remember that if God is for us, who can be against us? And that nothing can separate us from His love.
In life we feel overcome with problems, but we can overcome these problems with Jesus, who is more powerful than anything we face.
Let’s set our minds on God’s promises and be overcomers today!
The Word shared by Pete Samra, visiting from the USA.
New Life Church meet in Llanteg Community Centre Sundays from 10.45am. Contact: 07976 675732, 07824 900992, 01646 651332 or visit:newlifechurchpembs.com find us on Facebook
Nick names can be funny, flattering, sometimes hurtful.
Many people in the Bible had nicknames: Peter the rock, doubting Thomas, the sons of thunder.
How would people sum up your character – grumpy, whacky, old fashioned, fair, faithful?
Maybe you’d get compliments and criticism?
What nicknames might you get?
Barnabas, Acts 4, was nick named the encourager. His role was to empower people.
We too have the power to build up, or tare people down, with our words and actions.
We should be the most encouraging people around, because we have a message of hope.
It's ok being one thing in public, but what about our private life?
Do we make the hard decisions and do good?
Another Biblical nickname, grabber, or deceiver, is Jacob. Born a twin, second, grabbing on the heel of his brother. He stole his brother’s birth right over stew, and got a blessing by deceiving his father!
Later the deceiver was deceived....on his wedding day he married the wrong lady! But he built a life with both women.
Going to Esau, his brother, he was worried what reception he’d get.
Jacob then had an encounter with God that changed him:
A man came into the camp and wrestled him, dislocating his hip. But Jacob was relentless, he wouldn't let go until he blessed him. He was then renamed Israel, meaning "prevails with God".
Jacob, Israel, knew he had to get hold of the blessings of God.
Esau later accepted him.
What can we learn from this?
We might need to face our past, to forgive, or ask for forgiveness; to seek what was promised, to wrestle God for a particular blessing, to grab opportunities with both hands.
Our challenge is to charge up, get into a quiet place, spend time with God; to Read the Word, putting the promises of God in front of us, meditate, speak, be strong and courageous.
With this faith we must step out, speak life into dying situations with the Word of God.
In cold, dark rooms we are to be like thermostats controlling the temperature, carrying the presence of God in, defrosting frozen hearts, or cooling angry souls, bringing in the light.
Grab hold of opportunities, and set the temperature to hope today.
New Life Church are showing the film The Risen 12A on Sunday 14th August from starting at 11am, with free Fairtrade refreshments plus popcorn. Contact: 07976 675732, 07824 900992, 01646 651332 or visit: newlifechurchpembs.com find us on Facebook
When circumstances overwhelm you, and life is too much, what do you do?
Jehoshaphat faced a huge army, impossible to defeat. (2 Chronicles 20)
His reaction was to pray, get others in his country to pray, and fast.
He prayed, reminding God of the promises He made.
Imagine if our world leaders did this?
Could we follow Jehoshaphat's example ?
When life goes wrong, calamity comes, the world wages war, disease spreads, sickness torments, families face poverty; big or small, remember no problem is too hard to solve with God.
People are powerless in some situations. The only place to look for help is to God, who is all powerful.
In response to Jehoshaphat's prayers: "This is what the Lord says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s."
When it was time for the battle Jehoshaphat and his people went out singing praise to God, believing the battle could be won by God, despite the odds.
In a twist of events the enemy turned in on themselves, destroying each other!
God can turns problems into blessings, and is a very present help in times of trouble.
God speaks in your acts of faith.
So next time you face fear, think a problem is too big, or a situation too hopeless, cry out for help.
Only God can do the impossible, but we can all do something. Show kindness, encouragement, be there for people, offer what we have.
We might see evil in people, causing hurt in this world, but God is in control; our certain help in times of trouble.
Shout out to God today.
The Word shared by Billy Evans.
New Life Church Pembrokeshire, meeting Sundays, Llanteg Village Hall at 10.45am. Contact: 07976 675732, 07824 900992, 01646 651332 or visit:newlifechurchpembs.com find us on Facebook
We all have more faith than we're using.
To use the faith we have we need to step out and trust.
The World is in a mess.
What or who do you trust to save you?
A political party, a politician?
A popular quote reads: 'There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.'
Often we don't get a straight answer from those who govern.
In the Bible we read: "let your yes be yes, and your no be no." (Matthew 5:37).
Are you loosing faith altogether, or might you put faith in rocks or cards?
The Bible warns us not to put trust in spiritist's or mediums as this can lead to trouble! You are opening doors to all kinds of things.
Forget the world for answers; trust in God, the only one who has spoken Truth for all eternity.
What do you do, who do you go to, when things go wrong?
When chips are down God has to be first choice not last chance.
God made you, and the whole world, is anything too difficult for Him?
If you have faith, make sure your faith is right..."Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight" proverbs 3:5-6
How many sleepless nights have you lost to worry? Learn to trust God, hand problems over...give them up, let it go.
We may not understand. God's ways are not our ways.
It's just too much of a heavy burden to keep things to ourselves. Jesus says we should link up with him and he will give us a load that is easier, lighter.
Do you believe with God all things are possible?
When the enemy comes: pray, sing, ask God to deliver us from evil.
Jesus on the cross said "it is finished."
Jesus has the victory. We are his, he is ours. He's won and can set us free.
Faith steps up a gear when we have to let go of things.
Jesus died on the cross because God wants a walking talking relationship with us.
Jesus said he stands at the door and knocks.
Is your life open to God? Or have you shut a few doors.
Jesus will keep knocking all your life. Shut him out, its on you...you are alone.
Step out in Faith. Welcome Jesus in. He might shut doors, or open them, God knows best.
Trust in God and let him make your path straight today.
The Word shared by Gary Emlyn.
New Life Church Pembrokeshire, meeting Sundays, Llanteg Village Hall at 10.45am. Contact: 07976 675732, 07824 900992, 01646 651332 or visit:newlifechurchpembs.com find us on Facebook
Do you just do the bare minimum when following Jesus?
Simply believe and that's it.
Well, it might mean you’re saved, but it won't mean you are living life to your full potential.
A cut here, a compromise there, and before you know it you have drifted into deep waters.
Three men's beliefs were put on trial. Before this, small situations came up, that might seem insignificant. In these small things, they remained faithful.
Guests in the King’s palace they declined offers of food; they thought it might be compromised, sacrificed to the gods. This could of got them into trouble, but their integrity was important, so they took the risk. This time it worked out, and they were granted fresh vegetables to eat.
Later things really started to heat up when the King demanded they bow down to his statue, and the three faithful followers ended up inside a furnace! They said that even if God allowed them to die, that was the price they were willing to pay to remain faithful. (Read their story in Daniel chapter 1-3)
Now it's unlikely we will face the prospect of being thrown into a furnace, but there are choices we make that might put us at odds with those around.
What if our boss asked us to do something that's not 100% by the book, or our friend asked us to tell a "little white lie". If we say no, we might face opposition. If we compromise, these little things can lead us off track.
Then there's temptation. This can be subtle, starting off with small compromises, little words, attitudes or actions which seem harmless but might lead to big consequences.
God's Holy Spirit can be that inner voice of conviction, showing us the right way. But also it is by God's Spirit we grow the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, humility and, when faced with temptation, self control.
We will fail, fall short, make mistakes, no doubt. But all God wants is honest hearts, willing to serve; people who are faithful and ready to live in love.
We are not left alone to battle our nature to please ourselves. God's Spirit can strengthen us.
So we need to be on guard. To listen to God's guidance, follow God's guidelines and stick to the narrow path. We might face ridicule, opposition, even abuse; we might have to miss out on things we enjoy, because they are not really good for us. If something causes us to do wrong, it is best to cut it off completely. To step off track could mean we end up down a road we regret, with more trouble than it's worth.
So let’s not drift along. Let’s regain our focus, and reset our bearings today.
Based on the Word By Christopher Rees
New Life Church Pembrokeshire, meeting Sundays, Llanteg Village Hall at 10.45am.Contact: 07976 675732, 07824 900992, 01646 651332 or visit:newlifechurchpembs.com find us on Facebook.
Please yourself, do what you like, me first...society's familiar attitudes.
What about other's first; care, compassion, forgiveness and unconditional love? Not so popular!
When Jesus calls people to follow him, it doesn't mean life will be easy. It can go the other way. Loving, serving, people is hard. We might feel used, unappreciated..."what about me!?"
We shouldn't neglect ourselves, but let God strengthen and bless us, so we can be a blessing to others...we are no good if we are burned out, dried up, becoming bitterly brittle.
Despite doing good, we might get stabbed in the back; worse it might be by someone we love, serve, even our friends, family, or fellow believers.
Should we be angry? Anger is a natural emotion, it's how we act that's important...be slow to anger....let God deal with the situation, pray.
Should we get revenge, pay back? Jesus says no.
We read in the media recently: "love is better than hate".
Jesus warns we'll be oppressed, attacked, cursed; he teaches us to love our enemy, bless those who curse us.
There will be some moments in our lives that are vitally important, when we need to yield.
That's a word we don't often hear, what does yield mean?
"give way to arguments, demands, or pressure....submit, concede defeat, climb down, lay down one's arms, raise/show the white flag"....let it go!
If you don't yield it can lead to trouble, even with your family, so be on guard and don't rise to it.
If God's given you a task, stick at it. If oppression, opposition, struggles come, go to God for strength to succeed, for provision, to open doors and show the way.
Love is not inactive, love stands up for justice, speaks up for the voiceless, cares for the lost, lonely and hurt.
Love costs.
Love shows another way.
Love is sacrifice, selfless.
Jesus is love, he offers his love to you....free to everyone, the ultimate cost to him.
As you look at the cross, you see the price of love.
Jesus on the cross in our place, all that weight on our backs placed on him. Do we see bitterness, hate? No, in Jesus eyes are bottomless pools of love, we can be free at last.
Free to serve, to love. Love our friends, our enemies, those who love and those who hurt us....not the message the world gives, this is Jesus's message:
"A new commandment I give unto you, love one another as I have loved you."
Can you take up love's challenge today?
Based on the Word shared by Pastor Dennis Dunn, visiting from Ireland.
New Life Church Pembrokeshire, meeting Sundays, Llanteg Village Hall at 10.45am. Contact: 07976 675732, 07824 900992, 01646 651332 or visit:newlifechurchpembs.com find us on Facebook
Have you ever heard someone say
“Ye of little faith”?
Do you think your faith is fading, you wish you could have more? But is that really the answer?
We read about a man called Stephen who did “great wonders and miracles among the people” Acts 6:8
Was he unique in these works, special, chosen; how did he do these things?
We read that Stephen was “full of faith and power” Acts 6:8, that is how he did the great wonders and miracles among the people.
Stephen had faith.
What is faith?
Faith is a gift from God.
“For it is by God's grace that you have been saved through faith. It is not the result of your own efforts, but God's gift, so that no one can boast about it. “
In what power was he operating?
The power of the Holy Spirit.
The good news is, by God’s grace we can receive these gifts too.
We may have varying levels of faith, but it is all about the way we operate in faith.
The disciples couldn’t help one young girl, and Jesus had to step in, they asked why they couldn’t help her.
“Because of your little faith,” Jesus told them. “For if you had faith even as small as a tiny mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move!’ and it would go far away. Nothing would be impossible. But this kind of demon won’t leave unless you have prayed and gone without food.” Mathew 17:20-21
Faith is a gift from God but we need to take responsibility. In this case, prayer and fasting was required.
The responsibility of how we operate in the faith we have is ours, we can exercise in prayer, reading God’s Word and fasting to improve how we operate:
“So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17.
So do we need more faith? No. We need to improve our use of the faith we have. If the smallest seed of faith can move a mountain then a tiny bit of faith can work wonders.
To work wonders like Stephen we need the gift of faith, to be filled by God’s Spirit and to fill our lives and minds with God’s Word to flourish in that faith.
The solution to our problems is not more faith, it is more prayer, fasting and interaction with the living Word – Jesus himself.
Feed your mustard seed of faith to start moving the mountains you face today!
New Life Church Pembrokeshire, meeting Sundays, Llanteg Village Hall at 10.45am.Contact: 07976 675732, 07824 900992, 01646 651332 or visit: newlifechurchpembs.com find us on Facebook.
Love it, hate it, dread it, we can't stop it....change.
From the minute we are born we are changing physically. The world around, circumstances, concepts, beliefs, attitudes, constantly changing.
One man was full of hatred....hatred for the Church, despising Jesus, officiating oppression, setting up stonings, persecuting believers. The least likely man to be a Christian leader was changed after an experience with the one he persecuted.
Physically he was blinded, but spiritually he gained new sight. Saul the oppressor became Paul the faithful follower of Jesus, going literally to great lengths to spread Jesus' message.
We might think we are too far gone, too bad to be changed, too stuck in our ways to detour, too lost, too lonely, too sick. But there is one who can change all things for good, one who themselves are unchangable.
God is the Lord who does not change. God can change any situation thing or person.
From hopelessness to hope, from sorrow to joy, from pain to strength.
Never expect two people to be the same....God is at work in us, changing, transforming us into his image. You are unique, you have a purpose, are part of God's plan.
Be patient and optimistic. Don't give up.
We might face fears that are like fires.
Three men were thrown into a furnace because of their faithfulness. Were they abandoned? No!
The King saw another walking in the flames with them, protecting, strengthening....they were unscathed.
The King was changed, praised God, and set a decree that any people nation or language they speak again their God shall be cut to pieces! Then the King promoted them. They trusted God; God changed the Kings heart.
Having faith isn't easy. It doesn't take life's troubles away, but it gives hope, patience and strength.
We need to be constantly changed. Jesus changes our impurities with his purity.
So wherever you are today, in the flames of fear, the depths of doubt or depression, struggling with addictions, facing hopelessness, battling bitterness, you do not have to walk alone.
There is one who made you, who loves you, who can walk with you.
Reach out your hand and let your creator in today.
Based on the Word shared by Billy Evans.
Contact New Life Church Pembrokeshire, meeting Sundays, Llanteg Village Hall at 10.45am.Contact: 07976 675732, 07824 900992, 01646 651332 or visit: newlifechurchpembs.com
Close encounters of a God Kind
Sometimes when things go wrong we back away from God.
When Jesus was arrested the disciples followed at a distance. Someone spotted Peter, as
predicted, he denied knowing Jesus three times. The rooster crowed, and the Lord looked at him... Jesus tells his followers what will happen, but they don't grasp the Word.
Peter’s distance led to denial.
Following God at a distance means we can loose touch, deny God; we might get distracted or tempted like Eve:
The serpent was cunning "has God said you can't eat.." There was only one tree they were not allowed to eat from but the Serpent lied; the woman looked at the fruit, it looked nice, tempting to the eye....she took it.
The grass might seem greener?
It did to the Prodigal son. He lived in his father’s house, but wanted to walk away.
Worldly things drag us away from God too.
God is calling us to a closer relationship.
We need to seek God first, not the world.
What if we spent hours in The Book as much as on Facebook?
King David, wants to get the Arc, representing Gods presence back into the temple. They had a big parade but the ark fell, because they cut corners, and didn’t follow God’s instructions. When they transport it in the correct way, God was with them. The presence of God changed everything.
The father waited for the prodigal son....
God said “where are you?” to Adam and Eve…calling them back to Him.
God made a way, the cross. It is not just a symbol it is Christ’s costly challenge. God took on our sins in Jesus. The presence of God is meant to be carried on people's lives, like the cross. We should take it up daily.
The cross brings death, death to self....take up the cross for Christ and we will get new life.
Are we willing to take up the cross and walk in the direction God shows or do we put up barricades because of what has happened in your life? The enemy knows if God gets hold of one man or woman He can transform their lives.
Gods longing to speak, are we too busy? We need to “Be still and know I'm God.”
God is in a whisper, so close in the circumstance. To whisper we have to let God close.
Walking at a distance sets us up for trials alone.
Will we walk close to Jesus so we can hear his whisper today?
What is Prayer?
“A solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God” Oxford Dictionary
Prayer originates from the Hebrew word Tefilliah; which came from the roots of La – Lamed.
Lamed is the 12th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, in the middle, which by the Jews was known as the “heart” of the Hebrew alphabet.
The meaning of Lamed is to “prick, sting, incite or goad” because Shepherds would have prodded Cattle to get them to move along. The letter Lamed towers over all the other letters. It was said that it symbolises greater and higher things. Its meaning is “to learn and to teach”
Tefilliah (prayer) is the ultimate expression of the heart to God.
Overall, Prayer is to learn and to move on through God. As the bible says:
“And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.” John 14:13-14
When Should We Pray?
You can pray for anything whenever you like!
Bible Scriptures:
“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective” James 5:16
“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know”
Jeramiah 33:3
“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you” John 15:16
How Should We Pray?
"This, then, is how you should pray: "'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one” Matthew 6:9-13.
So to conclude:
“Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (The Message)
The Word by Finlay Ryder aged 12 years, shared as part of the service at New Life Church led by Cleddua Church Youth Group, Milford.
Contact New Life Church Pembrokeshire, meeting Sundays, Llanteg Village Hall at 10.45am.Contact: 07976 675732, 07824 900992, 01646 651332 or visit: newlifechurchpembs.com
Bread. There are so many different types today. But in Jesus' time it was probably the most important and nutritional source of food.
On Sunday the nation sang Bread Of Heaven, to cheer on our rugby team.
We sang it too.
But we also sang it in thanks and praise of the source of all physical, emotional and spiritual nutrition - The Creator of all things, God.
After Jesus had fasted for thirty days, Satan tempted him to turn stones in to bread. He resisted, saying "Man can not live on bread alone..."
So what else did Jesus say we need to live?
Jesus concluded "....but on every word which comes from the mouth of God"
The disciples were not sure how to pray.
Jesus shared a prayer which is in two main parts. We know it as The Lord's Prayer.
The first is all about acknowledging praising and thanking The Creator, Father God. The second part deals with our daily needs and struggles; our need to be protected, directed, forgiven and to forgive.
Do you have dogs who are right by your side when you eat, but disappear when it's gone? They just won't come when you call! We shouldn't be like these furry, fair weathered friends!
We should devour the daily bread of God's Word, the Bible, and apply it to all things in life; great and small.
Jesus said we should not worry, about food and clothes, but should look for God's direction, and follow it; then all of these things will be provided.
So, rather than missing God's Word, or letting things go stale, we should take time to digest it. Let's not be so distracted by other matters that we fail to spend time reading, praying and listening; which is like skipping meals and allowing birds to swoop in and gobble them up! Let prayer become our regular way, not a knee jerk reaction to trouble.
Lets savour every crumb we receive, relish each moment, and rest in the assurance of God's love. For God will bless us with a feast in the end.
Seek Jesus, The Way, The Truth, The Word and the Life; The True Bread Of Heaven, today!
Based on the Word by Billy Evans
Contact New Life Church Pembrokeshire: 07976 675732, 07824 900992, 01646 651332 or visit: newlifechurchpembs.com
When things go well, it's easy to be thankful, but what if they don't?
Sometimes we get in a mess making bad decisions, compromising choices, unwise life styles. Perhaps we are harmed by injustice or suffer hurts; we might lose someone, become unwell, or maybe it's just life!
What can we do?
We can be like Joseph.
Joseph, after boasting about his dreams of grandure, irritated his brothers to the point of murder! They threw him in a pit....until Judah stepped in. Judah's name, funnily enough, means praise.
Now the last thing we feel like doing when we're struggling, is praise God, but that's one way to escape the pit.
Judah (praise) saved Joseph from death. He ended up in a rich man's house. It was all going well until temptation turned up in the form of the rich man's wife. No doubt very beautiful, she tried to seduce Joseph. He resisted, was passionate to please God, loyal, even when no one was watching.
Was his integrity rewarded? Not really, he ended up in prison!
At this point most people would doubt..."What are you doing God?!" The praise might start drying up.
Joseph was in prison, God saw opportunity. Two palace workers had dreams, Joseph faithfully prayed and interpreted them. One worker was reinstated to the palace. Joseph, perhaps spotting a way out, said: "don't forget me."
Two years go by, he's still in the prison. Those serious doubts for many would become total despair!
Then, bam...Pharaoh needs a dream interpreting, the palace worker remembers Joseph. This is his moment, perfect timing.
Using the skills learned in his circumstances, Joseph is made Prime Minister.....running the economy, saving the nation from famine, including his family.
The dreams of grandeur are fulfilled, the brothers do bow before him.
Maybe the key to Joseph's ultimate success is hidden in the meaning of his first son, Manasseh's name: "causing to forget".
Forgiveness. Joseph bears no grudges, he sees the big picture: "You tried to harm me but God made it turnout for the best."
Just like the Karate Kid in the film, who waxes cars and paints fences; we might not recognise God's hand training us in our situations. But when the fight comes and it's our time to shine, all the groundwork is there.
God's hand is in our lives, working things for our good; opening doors, creating opportunities. Circumstances may seem impossible, but God knows how to move us from the pit to the palace.
So, wherever you are today....give thanks to God, keep going and never give up....God will fulfil your dreams, when the time is right.
Based on the Word by Christopher Rees
Contact New Life Church Pembrokeshire: 07976 675732, 07824 900992, 01646 651332 or visit: newlifechurchpembs.com
How's your faith today? Are you about half full, overflowing or running low?
Do you put limits on faith, believing God can do one thing, but not another?
Selective trust in God is really like no trust at all.
Don't put limits on God.
God is unchangable, He cannot lie.
God wants you to grow. If you don't you become stagnant.
What we need is faith without boarders.
In Luke's Gospel we hear of a lady who'd spent all of her money on doctors, finding no cure. She saw Jesus and her faith was ignited...getting closer to him, she touches him and is instantly healed.
In the book of James we are advised to not doubt because God will help, and will be there for us.
God is God, He does still heal; and when you go through things He will carry you though.
Jesus said "my sheep will hear my voice" and God promises to "never leave you never forsake you."
Whatever God asks you to do, do it. It will work out, as long as you do it with Him.
Do you edge away if you hear God, at least you hear Him!
Don't resist His Voice, following it will lead to good things.
We only exist because of the grace of God. We can be set free from anything.
Difficult tasks can be achieved if God is with you!
Ask and it will be given to you, place your faith in him, like he puts his faith in you.
Don't complain if things don't go as you'd like, just trust God, draw close to Him and keep going.
We might loose our looks, our teeth, our sight, hearing or hair; we will all loose our youth, but we will never loose God's love. As
God's children we can love, trust, have joy, hope, peace and faith.
Even an ounce of faith can move mountains, so step out and touch Jesus today!
Based on the Word by Garry Emlyn
Contact New Life Church Pembrokeshire: 07976 675732, 07824 900992, 01646 651332 or visit: newlifechurchpembs.com