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Prior to Pentecost the disciples believed, but it wasn't until the day of Pentecost that they received God's Holy Spirt.


You can have head knowledge but not actually know God, it's like your eyes are veiled. The Holy Spirt opens our spiritual eyes.


We've received authority and power because we are filled with God's Spirit. We are more than conquerors. The Spirt gives us confidence

and strength to speak Truth and glorify God.


Jesus said "All authority has been given to me in heaven and on the earth." Jesus sees every tear, hears our prayers and is with us.


Today dare to believe His every promise. Know God can do wonders, through you. A mustard seed of faith can move a mountain, we can have more than we can ever ask or think of! Stop doubting, live knowing Jesus died to give you freedom and life. Go forward, speak out the Truth about your new life, full of grace and love.


We have a saving message for the world, all you have to do is believe and receive Jesus, by His Holy Spirt.


Our old lives are dead, the rubbish is gone, you have a full pardon, we are alive in Christ. If God is for us who can be against us!


Test your faith, push it out, speak out, trust God's promises, ask for the impossible. Don't restrict God.


Let God take control, cast your cares on Him and walk in the abundant life God gives today!


Garry Emlyn, New Life Church

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What should we expect from the Lord today? What have you asked for; healing, forgiveness, provision, for someone to be saved?


Jesus said "I am the resurrection and the life." There must be a death of the old and a start of the new. The Lord is waiting for you to submit.


Jesus was crucified and laid in a tomb but the resurrection message is "He's not here, He's risen!"


There is a holy fire that works in us, good news for everyone, we've been brought from death to life in Jesus Christ.


God is waiting for you to ask. There's no limit to God's Spirit. Don't consider ideals, seek facts based on faith.


God is light, in Him there's no darkness, fear and shadows are gone. God's light shines on people who spend time with Him, seek Him.


Move forward, never look back, it's been forgiven! The Lord has called you by your name saying: "You are mine" . Just believe, God has made all things possible.


Jesus said: "It is finished!"....Then it began! The Light of the world obliterated the darkness.


My friend visited his wife in hospital, he heard music, he looked around and saw relmes of angels! He saw a beam of light, a figure appeared with a loud heart beat, His robes shone, he couldn't see his face, he knew it was Jesus. He wasn't a believer, leading a bad life, until that day. His wife was healed, he now preaches the resurrection life.


Pray for Jesus's Light of Life to shine His resurrection love today!


Garry Emlyn, New Life Church

How many years ago is it since you received God's Spirit? We can never have enough, we live by faith in God's Son, Jesus, vessels for God's Spirit.


When we fully trust in God we are filled and set free by the blood of Jesus.


John The Baptist said " I must become less, Jesus must become more."

We can live knowing God's love and joy, but we can't compete with God, but through faith we can have a new life of power, love, adopted into God's family.


Don't fear, step out, make a move! The Bible tells of a who man couldn't move, his friends by faith took him out, carried him to the roof and Jesus healed him.


The power of the Lord is there to heal. Jesus said those who believe in him will do greater works. Do you understand your heavenly inheritance?


The Word of God is like a fire in our lives. Reject what you think, believe Truth! Paul said before Jesus his life was "dung!". He was transformed by Jesus.


We met a young man walking who'd recently become a Christian, he said his life was totally changed and his family have noticed, he's lost his arrogance and found patience and is hungry for God.


A prayer must be full of faith. Anointing the sick with oil in Jesus name brings power! Through faith, each step is God's mission, we will dream dreams, see visions and have power in Jesus's name. One prayer we speak can change lives today!


Garry Emlyn, New Life Church

Jesus told a story of ten Virgins attending a wedding. Wanting for the groom, their lamp oil ran low. Five were prepared, bringing extra oil. The bridegroom arrived, five refilled their lamps, the groom led them into the feast. The unprepared five were left outside in the dark, the groom didn't recognise them.


Jesus said: “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour." Matthew 25:9‭ We need to be ready for Jesus's return. Don't be left shut out in the dark with no oil! It's no good asking others for oil, there's one supplier, The Lord.


We have an oil that keeps us shining, God's Holy Spirit, to carry, guide, enable, heal, strengthen and free us in Jesus's name.


Five of the ten ran out of oil, representing fifty percent who don't know the Lord; many attending church don't know The Lord.


Do you hunger and thirst for God? Blessed are those who hunger and thirst rightiousnes; they will be filled.


Two baptisms are mentioned in the New Testament: water showing repentance; fire, the Holy Spirit giving rebirth.


Paul preached the Good News, then moved on, leaving others to share. This batten of running the race to share the good news is passed on to us.


God will never leave us. By faith draw near. God wants you, not your religion or tradition. The power of God will take you from your ways to His ways, into eternal life.


The darkness is passing away, The Light is here fuling our Fire. Don't look back The Son Of Man is protecting us.

Receive God's oil, burn bright, shine God's love today.


Garry Emlyn, New Life Church

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