Jesus often had strong words with religious leaders! We've met some deeply religious people, horrible, cold religion; it's false, not from God!
The Pharisees asked when the Kingdom Of God would arrive, expecting huge fanfares. They missed the point, Jesus said "The Kingdom Of God is inside us."
The Kingdndom of God is not in a book, statue or set of rules; it's in you! How does God's Kingdom get in us? When we received the Holy Spirt we, like vessels, were filled. We may be cracked, damaged, but we are still filled with God's Kingdom. Outwards we are temporary, internally we are immortal.
Don't dwell on the world and its troubles, they are temporary. Yes, act in love to help, but do not worry.
There's a Holy Fire within us, so we need to speak out! At Pentecost the Fire of God ignited and spread from house to house.
Do you, or have you seen someone, change as they walk into a church building. This self-righteous behaviour is false; if you accept Jesus, you take God's Kingdom wherever you go, the treasure of God's Spirit in us. You are a coheir, Saint, priest of the new covenant. The empowerment of the Holy Spirt, God's Word, ignites God's gifts to use in the world. Be filled, move forward in faith, act.
You can't look for God's Kingdom; you have to receive it. Live by, move, be empowered, and set free by God's Spirt. May the joy of the Lord Jesus follow every step you take today!
Garry Emlyn, New Life Church
I once caused trouble in a church, first I wore jeans, then I questioned at tradition! I wasn't popular!
If your faith has to hold to traditions, it's not working!
The Pharisees rejected God's prophesies. Jesus rode on a colt, they said, "Tell your deciples to be quiet!" They weren't getting the attention.
You don't need pointless rules and traditions; all you need is faith.
No one receives healing or God's Spirit by tradition. These come by God's Grace, whoever believes in Jesus has eternal life.
How can a Church be alive if it's stuck in traditions?!
I've come to the conclusion that some people will let anything into the church except the Holy Spirt! They want to hold on to control. Once the Holy Spirt comes in, He takes control.
The Church isn't an entertainment center. When one pastor noted their Christmas pantomime was the central focus rather than God, he put a stop to it, and 50 percent of them left!
I'd like to see the sick healed, people set free from darkness, filled with God's Spirit, and the fruits alive and active in us.
Don't worry or doubt, just believe. All authority's in Jesus's name; we're renewed with a powerful force, God's Spirit, shining God's Light through us.
The Church needs a reset, putting Jesus first! Modern thought doesn't overrule God's Word. God is moving in power.
Mary and Nicodimus asked, "How can these things be?" when God predicted impossible things. It's by God's Hand, the blood of Jesus and God's Spirit, not by our own hands.
Step away from traditions; let God's Spirit in today!
Garry Emlyn, New Life Church
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