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There are many places in the bible where the odds have been stacked against God's people.

Enemies outnumbering them on every side , but when God's people turned to him and called on his name

Situations changed.

When things seem impossible remember we worship the God of the impossible.

Our greatest battles are won on our knees where we surrender to God and fully trust him with all of our current problems.

Nothing is impossible for God!

Lay your life at his feet and commit yourself to drawing near to him where you can have shelter beneath his wings.

Over every new problem God commands peace to his children.


We should not judge the world or physically fight it , that's for God to do , trust in God and preach the good news is what we are told to do.

He is the Lord over the wind and waves, at his command the earth was formed , so why do we worry about tomorrow because worry is not faith .


All of these healings are impossible with man but we worship the God of the impossible who by his grace makes all things possible.

Just believe, just trust and be still in the knowledge that God who has not changed still makes the impossible possible.

Through every storm God brings hope, through every difficult time TRUST and wait for the blessing to come.

God has been shaking the nations over the last year and has affected every aspect of life.

But wait to see what blessings will come to his church, good times always Follow bad. Joseph, David , Noah , Job , Moses , Naaman and even Jesus all had hard times but The God of the impossible turns bad to good. Weeping may endure for a night , but joy comes in the morning.

Don't look at the world trust in God and know in your heart the best is yet to come .

Be blessed in Jesus's name and keep the faith.

A message by Garry Emlyn shared online to New Life Church this week.

Contact: 07765935475 or visit:


Jesus' disciples never charged anyone who needed help. They often had no money but they had the power of God and faith.

One crippled man was healed by the touch of God, he gripped on to them he wanted more of that power. Do we just want the power or to get to know the one who holds the power, the all powerful creator God?

Some people visit healers who charge a fee, but by what spirit are they healing? It might be supernatural but that doesn't mean Jesus was involved. Stay away if it's not Jesus.

If you turn to God, trust in Jesus and believe in the healing and forgiveness from the cross, you'll receive the free gift of God's salvation.

You can't earn the Holy Spirt, these are a free gift from God.

You musn't lie to God or grieve the Holy Spirit by turning away from God's way.

Don't go to the wrong spirit for guidance or healing. They may be correct in their predictions but it doesn't mean they are from God. People might rely on horror scopes, and move on to charts, cards, ouja boards to lead their lives, this leads down a dangerously deceptive, demonic path.

Many who practice these do so for money, people can be left lost, bound in fear and despair.

There's also a prosperity gospel, preachers who are looking to make money, they don't serve God but their own desire for money. Jesus never charged for healing, He gave His life for our healing, forgiveness and freedom.

I decided Jesus would be my guide, and to trust only God's Holy Spirit.

Many believe in God, even the devil does! You must believe in and accept Jesus to be saved.

One man was healed by Elisha, he offered gifts but Elisha refused them. One of Elishas servants stole from someone, Elisha had a double portion of God's Spirit, so he knew. God gives us knowledge, God knows all things; we can't hide anything. Don't test God, work with Him. You will receive power and gifts of God.

God may lead you to do strange and challenging things, trust and keep going. Take advice from God and speak to His people, don't seek it in the wrong place.

Call on God for more of His Spirit, and live in His love and freedom today.

A message by Garry Emlyn shared via Zoom to New Life Church this week.

Contact: 07765935475 or visit: find us on Facebook

I once saw a “Super pastor” on a video, slamming people on their heads, claiming those people were healed, it was a lie! One man was physically hurt in fact!

Man can not heal; all healing is by God’s grace in Jesus’s name. Healing is all down to God.

Some people judge if other are not healed, saying “they are a sinner.”

We are all sinners. If someone is sick never tell them: “it is your fault”, don’t talk them down.

Sometimes noone knows why we are ill, but God knows. Some strong believers get sick some actively evil people live to be 100. We cannot blame a person if they are sick. Some pray in faith but still get ill. All things are in God’s hands.

Our tongue can make or break people. So do not put a sick person down by blaming them. We don’t know the reason. Jesus laid his hands on all those who were sick. Sometimes demons came out. No demon or sickness will leave on its own, only in Jesus’s name.

If the name of Jesus is used by an unbeliever, they don’t know the healer. Jesus wants us to know and follow Him, not just use or misuse His name.

As vessels of God we must be clean. Before we pray for others to be healed, we should look at ourselves and get right with God. If the sick person isn’t healed, is it that there is unbelief or sin in the sick or the healer or is it just God’s will? Sometimes we just do not know.

Every day we do things that are out of God’s Way, we need to turn to God constantly. God can not use us if we keep doing wrong. None of us are perfect but Jesus love can wash us clean, daily. To be used by God we need to keep turning to God, trusting and following him, confessing any wrongs.

We have been called out of this world for a reason. Turn away from the wrong things and back to God, be Holy and let God fill and lead us with the Holy Spirit. Ask for more from God, keep asking God wants to give more than we ask, or imagine. May we be His healing hands in a world of pain and suffering today.

A message by Garry Emlyn shared via Zoom to New Life Church this week.

Contact: 07765935475 or visit: find us on Facebook

The Kingdon of God is not in word but in power! We are recognised not by our talk but by The Power of God working through us.

Everywhere Jesus went there was a demonstration of his power. Peopl were healed and the Gospel shared.

We can't heal anyone but we know a man who can! The Man that was there in the beginning and is here now, Jesus.

An acton is to do something. Either it's God's Spirit acting on us or us acting under God's direction.

We still have God's power like in the book of Acts, like a power bank of God's power. Every believer has God's Holy Spirt, it's by Him God acts and builds.

There is a power house of gifts in us, they need to be stirred, fanned into flame. God wants us to act now, wherever we are. We can't force the Holy Spirt but we can pray, listen act in the Holy Spirt. We are as capable as Paul was in Acts.

If you are nervous about spiritual matters, don't worry. God gives the gifts of the Spirit to the Church to show His power to this world. John said let's not love in word but in action.

Do you believe God's power can come, like a bolt of lightning?!

Sometimes talk is done, action is needed.

Jesus said all He did, we can do by the power of His Spirt, even greater works than His.

We are all fully capable, in Jesus's name all is possible.

The early Church multiplied form a few to thousands when the Holy Spirit came.

Keep it simple, don't fear or question, say your prayers and believe.

The disciples used to pray on handkerchiefs and send them off to sick people, we could do this too. Maybe use a pillow case, pray a blessing on the person who will sleep on it? It's God's power at work that changes things.

Pray over people and situations, and ask God to bless, change and heal. Just believe and God will move mountains in your life today.

A message by Garry Emlyn shared via Zoom to New Life Church this week.

Contact: 07765935475 or visit: find us on Facebook

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